FIND ME a hope group

A hope group is a great way to experience hope, help and social connection.

We meet each week online, using Skype or Zoom, to discuss what we're thankful for, what's been a challenge, to read a story of hope from the life of Jesus, and find creative ways to help others in need.

You don't have to be religious, have a faith, or even own a bible to get something positive from the parables of Jesus. These ancient stories guide us and help us to love our neighbour in times of hardship.

If interested in knowing more, enter your details and we will contact you to find a hope group that suits you.

    By clicking submit you agree for us to contact you by text or email to start a conversation.

    We respect your privacy and will NOT send you regular email updates or sell your information to a third party.

    *Age field is optional. We gather this information to connect you with like-minded people.